Sale price$12.99


Our Popeyes dish will transform you as robust as the famous sailor, combining delicate spinach, ground beef, soft rice, all enhanced by the freshness of lemon and the crunch of pine nuts. A deliciously balanced fusion of flavors!

Ingredients : Lean ground beef, white rice, spinach, garlic, onion, lemon, pine nuts, salt, pepper, olive oil.

400g portion: 150g rice, 250g meat and spinach mixture.

✔️Rich in protein
✔️Rich in iron
✔️Rich in fiber
✔️Rich in antioxidants

How to store dishes

- If you want to eat the dishes within 2 to 3 days: store the dishes in the refrigerator.

- If you want to eat the dishes later in the week: freeze the dishes!

Reheat and enjoy

Remove the label and reheat in the microwave in the original container, leaving the plastic film on.

- Frozen dishes: reheat in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.

- Non-frozen dishes: reheat in the microwave for 2 minutes (or more if necessary)

**Hulkmeal meals are freshly frozen after preparation in order to maintain their freshness and the cold chain. They are also vacuum-sealed in recyclable BPA-free trays. Plastic seals are also recyclable and food approved.

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